


John 4:4 "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world"

Reflecting: The greatest part of me shines not because of who I am or what I do, but who I serve. This year has been one of the greatest/worst years of my life. I've experienced a great amount of heartbreak but I have found that in my greatest time of growth has been through my greatest times of grief, sorrow, and brokenness.On the other hand God has opened a tremendous amount of doors this year and has allowed me to be able to walk in my purpose so for that I'm grateful. So basically the best part of who I am is the God that it is in me. He is what makes me FLY!

style notes:
Skirt - Find Similar Here

On Another Note:

Hey Dolls! Happy Holidays! The year is almost over and Christmas is right around the corner! You know what that means? Lots of holiday parties, family time, and good food! Yesterday I attended a christian Open Mic Event called The Renaissance here in Atlanta and it was Epic! So many talented young poets, lyricist, singers and musicians took the mic using there gifts to bring glory to God If you live in the Atlanta area and you ever want to attend find the event page on IG @therenaissanceatl . Until next time dolls!


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