
Dear 2015,



Where do I begin. This year has been nothing short of unforgettable and certainly has been without a doubt life changing. I could have never imagined or predicted the amount of heartbreak that I had to endure this year. Before hitting the half way mark in 2015 I lost my father the late Bishop Gabriel Halton who passed unexpectedly at just 49 years of age. Extremely devastated to be burying my dad at 26 years old, I fell into depression while mourning his death throughout the summer and felt extremely lost. My father was the first man I ever loved, he was my friend, counselor, but more importantly he was there. It's hard to imagine my life without someone who's been there for me since day one. I miss him dearly ,his hugs, his laugh, and random text messages he'd send often to joke with me and tell me I was on his mind, followed by I love you's. In his passing I discovered how God's strength is made perfect in my weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9). 

A few month's later my now ex boyfriend confessed things to me that revealed that his "love" for me was a huge lie that he carried out for over half of our 3 year relationship. 
Overwhelmed with heartache I found myself angry. What he revealed was necessary for me to do what God was telling me to do for quite sometime, which was leave him alone. Needless to say I was still very bitter and heartbroken. Through constant prayer I soon realized that we can't determine God's steps, but in order to determine ours we have to surrender to his. The word of God reminded me that God would not with hold any good thing from me (Psalms 84:11) knowing that I learned to let it go, all the hurt, disappointment, and betrayal. I literally exhaled and finally let go of what I thought was my happily ever after and let GOD! 

Basically what I'm trying to say to you 2015 is we're breaking up, and yes it's because the new year is here. I won't forget you, but this is my farewell to all of the storms that brought heartache and depression, flaky friends, liars, users, and feelings of loneliness, insecure thoughts, teary nights, and feelings of being taken for-granted. Despite it all I still managed to still trust God, love God, and walk in my purpose. 

I'm not naive, and no I don't think everything will be peachy in the next year. But I've learned the importance of prayer and forgiveness  this year and I'm well equipped for whatever comes my way next year. Just know I'm no longer afraid of what tomorrow may bring because I realize that if God is within me I will not fail (Psalms 46:5). I now understand the beauty in being broken, because it is in a broken place where God can really rebuild and use you.

So here's a toast to 2015, thank you for the trials and triumphs because now I'm prepared for next year's journey.

To any of my readers who may have faced difficult times this past year I want you to know that God loves you like crazy and I do too!

Cheers to a New Year!


Laydee is on YouTube

Introducing Laydee Posh Tv 

Hey Dolls! I'm super excited to announce the launch of my YouTube channel Laydee Posh Tv! You can expect lots of new content from me there with videos featuring, fashion and style tips, seasonal lookbooks, shopping hauls, product reviews, makeup tutorials, hair tutorials, girl talk, and my new faith based series titled "Laydee Speaks" about my journey to Purpose and walk with Christ! Don't worry I'll still be positing here as well. Thanks for an awesome year and I'm so excited about this expansion.My first full video will launch next month but for now enjoy this small intro video to the show! Lastly I need your support so please subscribe to my channel and don't hesitate to leave comments below on topics you'd like me to touch base on as well.


Video Directed/Edited By Eli Productions




John 4:4 "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world"

Reflecting: The greatest part of me shines not because of who I am or what I do, but who I serve. This year has been one of the greatest/worst years of my life. I've experienced a great amount of heartbreak but I have found that in my greatest time of growth has been through my greatest times of grief, sorrow, and brokenness.On the other hand God has opened a tremendous amount of doors this year and has allowed me to be able to walk in my purpose so for that I'm grateful. So basically the best part of who I am is the God that it is in me. He is what makes me FLY!

style notes:
Skirt - Find Similar Here

On Another Note:

Hey Dolls! Happy Holidays! The year is almost over and Christmas is right around the corner! You know what that means? Lots of holiday parties, family time, and good food! Yesterday I attended a christian Open Mic Event called The Renaissance here in Atlanta and it was Epic! So many talented young poets, lyricist, singers and musicians took the mic using there gifts to bring glory to God If you live in the Atlanta area and you ever want to attend find the event page on IG @therenaissanceatl . Until next time dolls!



Casual Vibes


Can I be real? It's been a while since I owned a actual pair of real jeans. I always cringed from trying them on because my weight for the past few years has been on the up and up and well trying on jeans can sometimes make you face a uncomfortable truth... you know finding out your actual pant size. Well this year has been a roller coaster my weight has been up and down and well I've finally gotten back on track so on track that I'm actually six pant sizes smaller than I was last year. HALLELUJAH!! The "boyfriend jean" has been a popular trend for the past two years they are a comfortable fit and I love the fact you can adjust the hem by rolling the cuff up or down. Throw them on with you favorite pair of ankle booties and hit the streets. Well dolls. Until Next time.
