
Brown Skin and Bell Bottoms


Hand Painted Glasses - Love these glasses they were hand painted and came super quick
Tshirt - this is my new favorite tshirt by the @theartistcierralynn
Pants - Purchased from Kierra Sheard line, they seriously need a hem, but I love them.

"Brown skin you know I love your brown skin and I don't know"

As we wrap up Black History month I'm reminded to love every bit of my melanin and to continuously pray for people of color across America as we fight for equal justice against injustices done in the United States. I am proud of my rich heritage and to be a melaninated brown skin women living in the US. No matter who you are you take  pride in your heritage and never be apologetic for who you are no matter your color, race or ethnic background because we are all made in God's Image . So I challenge you to love yourself and love others because that's what God has called us to do (View Bible Verse) and you never know what someone else could be going through and a little love could change their situation :). With that being said I hope that you have a Marvelous March which is just a day away! Spring is near!!!


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