
Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Closet

With spring literally just days away ,it's time for us to take a closer look at our closets and ask ourselves that really tough question " should I keep this?" Yes ladies, it's time to spring clean our closets ! Making room for new stylish and current fabulous fashions for a new spring and summer wardrobe is a yearly essential.I also know having to let go of  garments that have grown near and dear to you can be hard. So I've compiled a simple check list to get you through this really tough and somewhat heartbreaking process.

My Closet Cleaning Checklist

-Does this still fit?
-How often have I worn this in the last 12 months?
-Is it likely I will ever wear this again?
-Is this currently in style, and/or does this still accurately represent my style?
-If this is damaged in any way (e.g., piling, rips, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, fading, etc.), will I actually make the effort to get this repaired in the near future?
-If I was shopping right now, would I buy this?
-Lastly but most importantly: Do I feel confident when I wear this?

After you've decided which clothes to keep and toss, you have several options to dispose of the clothes you don't want, need or love anymore.

Option #1 Closet Sale

What better way to get rid of your old clothes then to get a little cash back off them for new ones? You can host a closet sale at your house/apartment or sale them online through a site like . But if you really lack the initiative and energy to host your own closet sale you can also sale clothes to resale shop like Plato's Closet or a consignment shop that will buy your old clothes,shoes and accessories.

Option #2 Swap Them!

Swapping clothes has become bigger than ever. Now you can swap clothes with more than just your family and friends through the power of the internet. There are lots of clothes swap sites out there but I've heard great reviews about . A site that not only allows you to swap your clothes but chidrens clothes and homegoods as well.You can also get the girls together and snag a pair of shoes, jeans or a shirt you've been wanting forever from a girlfriend while having a Swap Party!

Option #3 Donate

Last but not least, you could take the traditional route and donate your clothes to those in need. There are so many ways you can donate, some supermarkets have drop off donation bins located in there parking lots. You can drop your gently worn clothes of to your local goodwill or local homeless shelter. Either way giving to those in need makes someone else happy and can make you feel great about helping out the community.

Remember no matter what you choose.."one man's trash is another man's treasure."  ;)

Xo -Laydee Posh

1 comment:

  1. You are so right, my closet need an urgent cleaning. Since we live in a small apartment, I dont have space for extra stuff. Thanks for the tips.
    Best, Elba at
