
[Fashion Buzz] The 2013 Curvy Countdown

The year 2013 is coming to an end but I want to quickly reflect on the amazing year we had in the curvy community.There's alot to celebrate this year If you're a curvy beauty,so get excited because here are 10 reasons to continuously embrace your curves and be proud to be plus!

-Laydee Posh

The 2013 Curvy Countdown

#10 The "Hollywood" Pact

Plus size girls have to stick together! Thats exactly why full figured actressess Melissa McCarthy and Rebel Wilson made a public pact this year not to fall into the Hollywood thin trap by promising to stay true to their current selves!

#9 NeNe Leakes 

2013 was a phenomenal year for curvy reality star turned actress NeNe Leakes. Not only did her emerging acting career take off,but she remarried her ex-husband after 2 years of divorce! But that's not what has the plus size community on the edge of our seats. Recently Mrs.Leakes just annouced that she will be launching a plus size line.

#8 High End Designers Extend to Plus Sizes

This year popular designer brands like Micheal Kors and Mango extend there brands to carry plus sizes.Let's see how many other designers follow in there footsteps in the year to come.

#7 Fat Shaming Week Reversed

United We Stand! This Fall thousands of curvy plus size beauties around the world took to Instagram and Twitter to stand up against a group of bullies looking to terrorize full figured beauties and gents through a week  of bulling called "Fat Shaming Week". The curvy community fought back through posting pictures and tagging #fatshamingweek and posting remarks against hate.

#6 American Idol

 Curva-licious Singer Candace Glover song her heart out and won the American Idol title 2013!

#5The "Fat-Kini"

This year fashion blogger Gabi Fresh teamed up with to create the Galaxy "Fat Kini" that sold out soon as it was available. Her swimsuit campaign encouaged beauties across the globe to toss away there one piece and coverups and inspired plus size beauties to show some skin embrace there curves in a two piece this summer!

#4 Mynt 1792

This year Mynt 1792 a popular plus size brand teamed up with some of best Full Figured Fashion bloggers to create the first ever blogger collection of Holiday Jackets! Read my blog article here!

#3 Barney's Beauty Campaign

One of New Yorks biggest retail stores', Barney's signs Plus Size model Robyn Lawley to be the face of there stores' beauty campaign. She is the first plus size model to ever head a beauty campaign with Barney's!

#2 PULP Fashion Week

 Paris hosted its first ever Full Figured Fashion Week "PULP" fashion week. During PULP fashion week full figured models of all sizes stripped down to strut their stuff in lingerie for the first time in Paris. 

#1 Dancing with the Stars

We all cheered and gasped as we watched the beautiful Curvy-Nista and Hollywood Starlet, Amber Riley dance her way to the top and win Dancing with the Stars. Amber was the first plus size women to do so!


  1. Yay for curvy!! I love Nene's dress ;D

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.
