
Are you Ready for Some Football?! Lady Rams Style

Become A Lady Rams Member

Rams T-Shirt: JC Penny
Yoga Capri's: Lane Bryant
Mossimo Sneakers: Target 

Hey Dolls! Are you ready for some football?!! I am! And I'm sooo excited to annouce I'm an official Lady Rams Member and Blogger!!! Football is without a doubt my favorite sport to watch hands down! Although the official football season is just a few months away it's never too late to get in the football spirit, and that is why I'm so excited about my Lady Rams Membership!  Why you ask?! A Lady Rams Membership is just $35 and you won't believe how much awesomeness is jammed packed into this deal! For just a small $35 fee you'll recieve complimentary food and beverage at the Lady Rams events, a membership packet, t-shirt, and entry to 2 additional exclusive Lady Rams events! You can join me as a Lady Rams member by signing up at the Official Lady Rams Site . You don't want to miss out on this, so sign up and join me as a Lady Rams Member! Hope to see you there!


My so called game faces lol