Watch Me Shrink (My Fitness Journey)
Finding Healthy Me
Me Today! Be the change you want to see!
At 23 years old I was slowly and unconsciously commiting suicide.I was killing myself and I could feel it as I hauled my then 350 pound body up a small flight of stairs. Maybe it was the early Mcdonalds runs or the late night delivery affairs. Who knows? The truth of the matter is I was fighting a long time food addiction and in the fall of 2012 I had come into my truth, food was killing me and I was letting it! 2012 was a big year for everyone around me that I loved. I watched both of my parents lose over 100 pounds and my bestfriend slim down as well,mean while I watched in envy from the sidelines and drowned my self in anything salty, fat or sweet. I always wondered when and how anyone reached there breaking point and began fighting back and losing a immense amount of weight. For me it was a summer day in July 2012 at the cleveland zoo with my 1 year old niece and sister. I remember being so out of breath walking from the parking lot to the zoo entrance and embrassed asking my sister to catch the train because I was to out of shape to walk up hill to see the rest of the animals in the zoo. I spent the rest of the day in pain as I pushed my nieces stroller because my knees and lower back screamed in pain with every step I took.

Me June 2012 in the gray dress! Weighing in at 350 lbs at 5"3'! :(
Although I had reached my breaking point in July 2012 it wasn't until November 2012 I started coming to terms with my food addiction. It all started with a phone call from a good friend of mine Alecia White. For about a year I watched my friend Alecia change her life and lose weight through documenting her weightloss journey on Facebook.One day I wrote her on facebook and said I wanted to talk to her because I was ready to change and we did for about an hour on the phone. I may or may not have told her this several times but her phone call saved my life. In the hour that we spoke we laughed, I cried and she motivated me to make the change.
Meet Beachbody Coach Alecia White
My amazing friend Alecia who motivated me to take the next step to make a healthy change! To contact her and make the change as well click this link
At the beginning of 2013 I changed my life, through healthy eating, a positive mindset,regularly excercising and prayer I went from 342 pounds to 283 in a year. (A size 28/26 to a size 22)I decided this year to document my weight loss journey with you, my readers to keep myself accountable.If you are struggling with an eating disorder, losing weight or simply just want to change feel free to contact me through my email and we can do this together!
Stay Tuned for My Measurements, Workout & Meal Plan in the next Healthy Curve Post!
-Laydee Posh